The Facts About Cereals

The Facts About Cereals

We all love the the sugary sweet crunch of cereal in the morning. It is what most of us would like to have for our morning breakfast. If we can not avoid sugary cereal totally, we can reduce the amount at least by half. According to The Environmental Working Group,...

Seven Steps To Slim

SSSSSSSlimThere are seven “S’s” we can use to work toward becoming Simply Slim.Salt:  Sodium is used heavily in ready-made foods. Soups, canned beans and meat have a high salt content.  If we can avoid salt in excess amounts, it will ease water...

The Vegetarian Way

The Key to Health and HappinessGrowing up as a vegetarian, I consider myself lucky. Honestly, I had no idea what it was like to eat meat. My family followed the Jain Religion, so we believe in leaving less of a carbon foot print in the world. For centuries religious...

Is Fish Oil Necessary For Health?

Is Fish Oil Necessary?   Editors Note: Guest Author Louise Infante writes for sample vegetarian menu blog, her personal hobby blog related to vegetarian food preparation tips to help people live better. Give me 5 mins and I’ll provide you 1 great reason to become...