Basmati Rice With Cilantro 

Everyday cooking at my home includes white rice without faliure.

The perfect rice is adorable at the time of dinner. It is said that expert chef can be recognised by the perfectly cooked rice.

I think i have a  simple technique to How to cook white rice like a pro.

Two Common Methods For Cooking Fluffy Rice

one is absorption method and second one is pasta method. There are different varieties of rice grain and some old grain may take little more water and more cooking time. You will come to know by practice. Trials and errors are acceptable.

Absorption method : 


  • 1 cup basmati rice or long grain rice
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 2 cups of water

Wash rice throughly, changing water three or four times till water is clear.  Check for stones and husk before washing.

Soaked White Rice In A Bowl

Let rice soak for 30 minutes.

Usually water to rice 2:1 ratio works well.  A heavy pot with tight lid works better so it does not scorch at bottom.

Transfer water, salt and rice together in a heavy saucepan.

Bring to a boil over medium high heat. Let the water boil uncovered for 5-7 minutes.

Boiling water with rice

Stirring occasionally let it cook for 5-7 minutes.

Asborption of water in boiling rice 

If you are in doubt check with your thumb and index finger by pressing rice kernel. You will get good idea that it will still take more time.

Now cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid and reduce the heat to very low setting.

Absorption of water in rice cooking

Let the rice steep for 5-6 minutes. Turn off the heat. Let it sit undisturbed for 15 minutes.  This is important because it is still cooking inside.

After 15 minutes uncover the pan, fluff rice with a fork , let the steam escape so it won’t over cook.

Fluff your rice with fork

You can add dash of butter or ghee to enhance the flavor.

Pasta Method:

Wash the rice throughly changing water three or four times till water runs clearly. Let it soak for 30 minutes or less is okay too.

In a heavy sauce pan fill water half way and bring to a boil. Add salt.

Add the rice to the boiling water for 5-7 minutes stirring once or twice. Let it boil till the kernels are tender. If you are in doubt check it by pressing rice kernels with your index finger and thumb. If it is not tender or cooked let it cook for couple more minutes.

Brown rice and old rice do take little more time to cook.

Drain cooked rice in colander

Immediately drain the rice into a colander just like pasta and run a cold water through it.

This way it will not over cook it.

Transfer the rice into serving plate and garnish with cilantro and ghee for nice refreshing flavor.

White rice with roasted cumin and cilantro


How did your rice turn out? is it sticky?

While rice is boiling and it is almost done by adding few drops of lemon juice your rice will never be sticky.

Rice will look very white and fluffy.

Enjoy with Dals and healthy fresh vegetable curry!

Next I will be happy to share with you How  To Transform Your Left Over Rice In A Culinary cuisine In A ZIp!