My love for Turmeric

I grew up in India watching my mom use Turmeric for all sorts of uses. However, I don’t see it being widely used here in the US. It is a wonderful super plant that can be used as a spice and medicine. I want share not only how to use it but also where to get it.

This is what Turmeric Plant looks like in the store

Health benefits of Turmeric

Regular use of  turmeric in a micro amount (like 1/4 of a tsp) is beneficial. Its yellow color which is full of antioxidant properties. Here are the list of benefits:

  • Ward off Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Blood Purifier
  • Skin Cleanser
  • Cough Suppressant

and… much much more.

How to Use Turmeric to Cure Your Cough

  1. Add 1/4 tsp of powder turmeric in a half cup of  warm milk
  2. Touch of salt
  3. 1 tsp of ghee.
  4. Take every night till cough is gone before bedtime (should be gone in 3-5 days)

How to Use Turmeric as a Face Mask

  1. Mix ground turmeric with besan/chick pea flour
  2. Add heavy cream in equal portions
  3. Apply to face
  4. Wash off after 15 minutes

You will get an instant glow to your skin! Brides have been using this for years in India… even widely used today!

How to Use Turmeric as a Spice

Here is a picture of powder Turmeric:

You can use Turmeric Powder in various curries of dry legumes, beans, and different vegetables. The powder of turmeric is derived after the stem is boiled, drained, dried in the sun, cleaned, polished and then pounded into powder.

You can also enjoy Turmeric as a condiment with your meals

Pickled Amba Haldi

Fresh roots are available in health and specialty stores. wash them and cut them into thin pieces. Amba haldi is in its white form. It is similar to ginger root.

Add lemon juice to it. Enjoy with meals in small amount.  This lemony turmeric stays in refrigerator for 6 months.