Misti Sandesh

Misti Sandesh is a dish made with milk and sugar (we know, we know, we had you at sugar!). It’s popular all over India and used as a celebratory dessert. But it’s not limited to parties and feasts – it’s perfect for anytime you want something sweet without too much effort.

This paneer dish is packed with punch of protein.


It’s a light dish that melts in your mouth with a traceable history. It appears in some parts of medieval Bengali literature, meaning it’s delicious enough to stand the test of time.

Misti Sandesh is best eaten fresh, within a few days of preparing. Don’t worry: that won’t be a problem!

Prep time : 30 minutes

Serves : 6


  • 8 cups of milk
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice or 1 tsp. of white vinegar
  • 3 tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp. pistachio saffron and cardamom powder to sprinkle



1. Bring milk to boil (use a heavy saucepan so that milk doesn’t stick to the bottom).

2. Stir continuously.

3. Once the milk is boiling, add lemon juice or vinegar; the milk will begin to curdle.

4. Line a strainer with a cheesecloth and drain the milk.

5. Rinse with water to wash away the sourness of the lemon juice.

6. Knead the dough softly and firmly.

7. Add powdered sugar and knead the dough into a smooth ball.

8. If desired, you may knead the dough into small balls and garnish with pistachios.

9. Alternatively, you may line a pan with wax paper and flatten the dough inside; then sprinkle on nuts to garnish and cut into bite-size pieces.

10. Refrigerate for around two hours.

11. Take out and enjoy!


Misti Sandesh is a wonderful trick when you want something sweet and you want to be quick! It’s a light little snack that makes people say, “yum.” And none will be left – not even a crumb!

Along with satisfying sweet tooth it is loaded with protein and hing in antioxidant. One of the great benefit of paneer is that it is rich in calcium, minerals and linoleic acid.

So Enjoy without feeling  guilty!