Watch a step by step video at the bottom of the recipe. Enjoy!

Roti is very healthy and fulfilling. It is staple food all over India.

Roti is more popular today than it ever has been before. There are numerous types of roti that you can make and they all taste equally amazing.

Roti can be made from various different flours: sorghum, corn, whole wheat, all purpose, etc.

This recipe is an everyday healthy version and is traditionally eaten day after day.

I grew up eating roti as tortillas, and never had the bread that is found here.
It is healthy and after a few tries, one can master the art of rolling the roti into a round shape.

Cooking Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Serves: 12-14


2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour sifted
2 Tsp Oil optional
2 TBsp Butter or Ghee to spread
1/4-3/4 Cup Water warm
1/2 Cup Plain Flour to dust roti
Salt (optional)

How to Prepare:

  1. Mix flour, oil and salt in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add water as needed to make the dough a smooth consistency.
  3. Let dough sit for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Knead dough for a few minutes, until it is very smooth and rollable.
  5. Divide dough equally into 12-14 pieces.
  6. Dust them with flour.
  7. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin.
  8. Heat the skillet.
  9. Gently place rolled out roti on the skillet on medium heat.
  10. In few seconds, bubbles will appear. Flip roti over. Let the other side cook for a few seconds and then remove from skillet.
  11. Broil it on an open flame. It will puff up.
  12. Apply ghee or butter and the roti is ready!

Roti can be eaten with Dahl and vegetables – this is what we do.

However, it is also great as a wrap for a burrito.

There are countless ways to eat Roti:

  • Chips: Cut the cooked roti into strips or wedges, and dip the roti chips into any type of dip! Check out some of the chutneys on our blog.
  • Quesadillas: Use two cooked roti’s to make a quesadilla! Lay one roti down, put your favourite toppings on top, layer the second roti on top, and press or grill the quesadilla until the inside is melted.
  • Burrito: Simply lay your cooked roti down, put any desired toppings on one half of the roti, and roll, until you end up with a burrito! Easy, quick and so delicious.
  • Roti Stir-Fry: Cut the cooked roti up into small wedges or squares. In a saucepan, eat up some oil and fry some of your favourite vegetables. Once the vegetables are almost done, add the roti pieces to the saucepan, and fry them with the vegetables. Add’s a delicious crunch to your typical stir-fry!
  • Roti Lasagna: Place a cooked roti in the bottom of a baking pan. Add your preferred vegetables and sauce, layer with another roti, and continue the layering for as many times as you desire (or can fit in your pan). Then, bake the lasagna in the oven at 190 Celsius, and serve once warm!

There are many other ways to eat and cook with roti, but those are just a few that I think are amazing and take little time and effort!

Watch this video and learn how to make delicious, soft Roti:

Tips: If you are a beginner, first watch someone else make this who is experienced. This video should help.

Also, check out these related posts:

Bhakri – Thick Indian Bread

How to Make Bajra Ki Roti (the old Fashion way)